Homemade multipurpose cleaning wipes

Household chores can be annoying. Especially when it comes to bathroom and kitchen cleaning. Sometimes, all you need is a quick wipe to remove solids, grease, and grime and move on with your day. However, this is far from easy to achieve in reality. Bathrooms, especially if you have children, can get messy. Soap residue, soap, products spilled everywhere, and water spots all over the place. Kitchens usually require a bit more attention but the solution we will share for you in this article would certainly help you get a quick wipe.

We will talk about a product that will allow you to do a 1-minute quick wipe at any point during the day. What is more, everyone in your house will be able to use it and, are you ready for the best part? You can make it yourself! This amazing product is really simple as well – it is multipurpose cleaning wipes. We will talk about the solution (which is non-toxic and all-natural) and where and how you can use them everywhere in your house.
You can make a solution, place it in jars and work with reusable wipes to reduce plastic waste. Keep reading to find out how to do all that.

Why not use commercial cleaning wipes?

To begin with, store-bought cleaning wipes are single-use and made of non-biodegradable plastic. Nowadays more and more people are trying to reduce their plastic waste and are turning to more eco-friendly cleaning ways, also known as green cleaning. We strongly suggest you try those methods out – they are environmentally friendly, cost-efficient, and work as well, if not better, as commercial products. Also, it is quite fun to make your own products at home.
Another thing to keep in mind is the amount of harmful and toxic chemicals that most commercial cleaning products contain. When making your own cleaning solutions you know exactly what you put in them and can be sure that they are safe for you and your whole family.

How to make natural, reusable cleaning wipes at home?

The process is very simple and you only need a few common household products, which if you don’t have at home, you will be able to get a hold of them in your usual grocery shop. The process is easy and will not take you more than 10 minutes. We will also share two recipes for these amazing wipes. One is the original version of the solution, the other one will be more suitable for you if you have natural stone surfaces at home or simply do not like vinegar.
Keep in mind that because the solution for the wipes is made using water, their shelf life will not be long. Using boiled water will help prolong it. However, they should last for about 4 weeks. If the solution starts smelling bad or the wipes are looking mouldy, get rid of it, wash your cloths and make a new one.

What will you need:

• 750ml jar/another airtight container
• 125ml cooled boiled water
• 125ml white vinegar
• 5 drops of lemon essential oil
• 5 drops of lavender essential oil
• 4 drops of lemongrass essential oil
• 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
• clean dry reusable cloths (fabric scraps/kitchen cloths/small towels)

How to make the solution:

In a bowl, mix the water, vinegar, dishwashing liquid, and essential oils together. Place your wipes in the clean, dry jar. Next, pour the solution over them. Make sure you cover them evenly. If the cloths feel too dry, make more solution to pour over them. They should feel slightly moist and not completely soaked.

How to use?

Whenever you need to get a quick clean, take a wipe out of the jar (you may need to squeeze out some of the liquid back into the jar). You can use this for most surfaces at home. Keep in mind that those wipes should not be used on natural stone surfaces (the acidic nature of the vinegar may etch the stone). Wipe the surface and wash the wipe in the washing machine when done. When the jar is empty, make a new batch of the solution and refill it, using the washed wipes.

For natural stone surfaces
Since the solution we showed you above contains white vinegar and is not suitable for any natural stone surfaces, we would also like to show you how to make one that you will be able to use on such areas.

You will need:

250ml cooled boiled water
2 teaspoons liquid Castile soap
10 drops lavender essential oil
4 drops tea tree essential oil

This solution is suitable for all natural stones (granite, marble, quartz, slate, marble, and limestone). If you are not a fan of vinegar, feel free to use this solution instead of the other one on any type of surface around your place, including your bathroom, kitchen, and glass surfaces.

Are the homemade cleaning wipes disinfecting as well?

Unfortunately not. They are cleaning wipes and that’s exactly what they do. They have no disinfecting properties since they contain no alcohol or other disinfecting agents. You can use isopropyl alcohol to make them disinfect. Anyways, they will rid you of dust, grime, grease, soap scum, hard water spots, toothpaste drops, and other grime.