End Of Tenancy Cleaning Marylebone

End of Tenancy Cleaning

Studio Flatfrom £116
One Bedroom Propertyfrom £161
Two Bedroom Propertyfrom £189
Three Bedroom Propertyfrom £220
  • 48 hours guarantee service
  • Clean appliances
  • Clean and disinfect toilet, sink, bidets
  • Clean bath and shower area
  • Remove dust from shelves
  • Remove all grease and grime where applicable
  • Clean inside/outside your microwave, oven, fridge/freezer

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    Our Cleaning Service for Marylebone

    If you are looking for a professional help for your end of tenancy cleaning before you move out of your lodging, you can feel free to turn to us for help. We are a company that provides various cleaning services and we have a special end of tenancy cleaning service designed to help tenants who are moving out and want their deposits back. But that is not all, we also help property owners who sublet their properties to keep them in top-notch shape.

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    End of Tenancy Cleaning – checklist:

    General cleaning

    • Dust removal
    • Cobweb removal
    • Window cleaning
    • Vacuuming of upholstery and carpets
    • Hardfloor cleaning
    • Wall cleaning
    • Decluttering and cleaning of shelves and cupboards
    • Rubbish removal
    • Disinfection of frequently touched surfaces and areas
    • Window cleaning (upon request)
    • Steam cleaning of upholstery and carpets (upon request)
    • Appliance cleaning (upon request)

    Kitchen cleaning

    • Dust removal
    • Degreasing of all surfaces (splashbacks, tiled walls and cooking areas)
    • Scrubbing and washing of the sink and taps
    • Cleaning and sanitisation of basic kitchen appliances
    • Countertop cleaning, polishing, and disinfection
    • Cleaning and degreasing of your kitchen extractor
    • Decluttering and cleaning of kitchen cabinets
    • Table and chairs cleaning and disinfection
    • Disinfection of frequently touched surfaces (taps, light switched, and handles)
    • Deep oven cleaning (upon request)
    • Deep refrigerator cleaning (upon request)
    • Floor vacuuming, mopping, and disinfection (wood, tile, stone, and other materials)
    • Window cleaning (upon request)

    Bathroom cleaning

    • Descaling , scrubbing and disinfecting the toilet and its seat
    • Washing, polishing and disinfecting the sink and taps
    • Descaling, polishing and disinfecting the shower, its taps, hose and head
    • Removing soap scum and hard water stains from all tiled surfaces
    • Cleaning and disinfecting the bathtub/shower cabin
    • Drain unclogging and cleaning
    • Decluttering and cleaning of bathroom cabinets
    • All mirrors and glass surfaces – washed and polished
    • Countertop cleaning and disinfection
    • Mould and mildew removal
    • Grout cleaning
    • Stubborn stain and odour removal
    • Disposing of rubbish
    • Window cleaning (upon request)

    Bedroom cleaning

    • Dust removal
    • Cobweb removal
    • Decluttering and cleaning of wardrobe, cupboards and drawers
    • Closet cleaning and disinfection
    • Vacuuming of mattresses
    • Vacuuming of carpets and upholstery
    • Steam cleaning of mattresses, pillows, and large comforters (upon request)
    • Steam cleaning of carpets, upholstery, and curtains
    • Wall cleaning
    • Window cleaning (upon request)
    • Cleaning and polishing of shelves
    • Cleaning of mirrors
    • Disinfection of light switches, door handles, remote controls and other frequently touched objects and areas


    1. What if I am not satisfied with your cleaning?

    We will make every effort to provide you with a reliable cleaning service. However, if you are not fully satisfied with our End of Tenancy cleaning, please let us know within 48 hours after the cleaning session and we will re-do the job free of charge.

    2. Is your End of Tenancy Cleaning Service guaranteed?

    Yes, the service comes with a 48-hour guarantee which means that if there is any issue regarding the cleanliness of the property, we will appoint a free re-clean as soon as possible. However, customers must inform us no later than 48 hours after the first cleaning session.

    3. What does the 48-hour guarantee mean?

    If the service comes with a 48-hour guarantee, it means that in case the customer is not completely satisfied with the outcome or there are missed areas, he or she has to inform us no longer than 48 hours after the cleaners had finished the cleaning. In such a case, we provide free re-clean which will be scheduled as soon as possible. The property, however, has to be vacant.

    4. May I combine the End of Tenancy Cleaning with other services?

    Yes, you can book our Professional End of Tenancy Cleaning along with Carpet and Upholstery Steam Cleaning, Oven Cleaning, Windows Cleaning, Wall Cleaning, Gardening Service, Jet Washing or Gutter Cleaning Services.

    5. Do you bring your own cleaning materials?

    For the Professional End of Tenancy Cleaning Service, we provide all the cleaning materials. For the hourly based services, we can provide them at a small additional cost.

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    Calculate the price for your End Of Tenancy Cleaning in Marylebone

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    Chose Carpets

    If you live in Marylebone or the area, we are your best chance to get your deposit back. We will send you a professional team fully equipped and very hard-working to do this back-breaking job for you.

    Our end of tenancy cleaning service can be paired with another one of our services (e.g. oven cleaning or carpet cleaning). Our end of tenancy cleaning service is guaranteed and we will do a free re-clean if you notify us of any problem.

    A Top-Quality cleaning supplies for end of tenancy cleaning

    Our cleaning specialists use the latest equipment and industrial-strength cleaning products that help them deal with the toughest grime and eliminate hard stains. They will scrub tile and grouting, they will clean walls and floor in your bathroom, de-scale shower and bathtub, disinfect taps and toilet. In the kitchen, they will degrease hobs, clean microwave and fridge inside and outside, wipe down all other surfaces and appliances. All light fittings and switches, windows and window sills, door frames, furniture, etc. will be cleaned, vacuumed, polished. We are also servicing in White City.

    Trust us with your after tenancy cleaning and give us a call for an appointment or a free estimate right away, there is no other service like ours in Marylebone.

    Our End of Tenancy Cleaning Service covers all West London areas:

    Clients reviews for our cleaning service in Marylebone W1

    “ Our house was two-story high and we did not feel like we could do the end of tenancy cleaning our landlord required us to do. We booked this service and we got a call from our landlord that the boys had done a very nice job and that the house looks great. Great company and also great prices. We recommend them.


    I never realised how dirty was my old rental place, since I sanitised it on regular basis. But I needed to comply with my tenancy agreement. That’s why I ordered your end of tenancy cleaning services and I must say you did terrific job. At last I got my deposit back and my landlord was more than happy. Thanks a lot!


    I was about to vacate my old rental place, until the letting agent let me know that I need to professionally sanitise the property, in order to get my deposit back. I came across your offer and booked with you. I am so happy with your performance: cost-effective price, great performance and no disturb for me. Excellent!


    About Our Company

    Working 24/7 and available even on bank holidays, we in Fast End Of Tenancy Cleaning are the most devoted professional cleaning technicians in London. Our cleaning company is notorious all over London for our prices – we are not the cheapest ones in London, but we’re the ones who with the best performance-price ratios on the market.

    We are supplied with high-class equipment and we are working with environmentally friendly cleaning products only. Our cleaning products are completely safe for use near children and domestic pets, too.

    Our company was founded long ago by ordinary people who loved cleaning so much that they decided to start earning their bread and butter from it. And by booking our professional cleaning services, you’ll receive a honest and thorough cleaning service that’s also not expensive, too. We are available for booking throughout the week and also on bank holidays. Choose us and you’ll see the difference.